During our participation in the 88th TIF, at the Akademia Presentation Space, the Communication Manager of the University of Piraeus, Eleni Stathatou presented the actions and applications the University of Piraeus has implemented and continues to implement, on the subject of Accessibility and inclusion, focusing on three pillars.
UniPi has worked on adaptations to the natural environment (e.g. accessible library, special parking spaces for disabled people).

The organization of this year's Thessaloniki International Exhibition focuses on the modern challenges for the country and the critical sectors of the economy, emphasizing new technological means, innovation and sustainable development, with the Federal Republic of Germany as the honoured country.

Στο πλαίσιο της συμμετοχής του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς στην 88η ΔΕΘ, η καθηγήτρια Μαρία-Πούλια Μποϊλέ, παρουσίασε το Τμήμα Ναυτιλιακών Σπουδών και το ερευνητικό έργο των εργαστηρίων του, στον χώρο παρουσιάσεων του Akademia.

At the Municipal Theater of Piraeus, on Tuesday, July 9th 2024, the University of Piraeus organized the ceremony of announcing Professor of Informatics of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) Konstantinos Daskalakis, as Honorary Professor of the School of Information and Communication Technologies of the University of Piraeus.

On Monday, September the 9th 2024, at the Municipal Theater of Piraeus, the Department of Banking and Financial Management of the school of Finance and Statistics of UNIPI organized the Honorary Doctorate Degree awarding ceremony of the President and CEO of the Grivalia Group, Georgios Chrysikos.

The Postgraduate Programme «e-Learning» of the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus, was honored with the GOLD AWARD in the category "Digital Education, Robotics and AI in Higher Education" during the Education Leaders Awards 2024 Ceremony which took place on Monday 1st of July 2024, at the National Insurance Conference Centre.

At the annual conference held in Thessaloniki for the 88th International Exhibition, by the Union οf Hellenic Chambers οf Commerce (UHCC), Professor Michael Sfakianakis, the rector of the University of Piraeus, was awarded for his contribution, as President of the Central Supervisory Board of the General Commercial Register (G.E.MI) - period 2010 - 2016, in the modernization of businesses through the establishment of the One Stop Services (e-OSS) and the information system of G.E.MI.

Easter treats, toys, clothes and shoes were delivered to the 60 children housed in the Child Protection Branch of Attica "Mitera " as part of the social work of the University of Piraeus.

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