The financing opportunities for entrepreneurship, in the context of dealing with the consequences of the pandemic, but also the overall development environment, already shaped by the "Green Deal " of the EU and for Greece, highlighted the University of Piraeus and the European Information Center of Piraeus and the Attica Islands, through an online Conference, with the title "Cohesion Panorama: Financing entrepreneurship during the Pandemic and the Green Deal" under the auspices of the Attica Region and with the support of the Attica Regional Development Fund.
With this specific, informational initiative, UNIPI brought to the same "table", the relevant officials of the Government, technocrats and official parties of the Ministries, who implement or supervise the development pace of the country, leading representatives of the primary and secondary Self-Government, all the collective business operators, as well as representatives of the Academic Institutions of Greece, who are invited to plan, support and implement successfully a cooperative, counter-aggressive course, capable of overturning the crisis, caused by the pandemic and the consequences of climate change, into a starting point for a development course.
At the online Conference of UNIPI, which once again underlined the leading role it plays, in all the issues related to the development planning of the country and the functional interconnection of the world of knowledge with the forces of business, the whole network of opportunities was highlighted, of the necessary reforms, the priorities in the application of new technologies, which are included in the priorities of the Operational Programs, for the new Programming Period, 2021-2027. Consequently, the UNIPI Conference highlighted the context of financing as a whole, specializing in all sectoral financial instruments, which, provided the proper preparation and mobilization of all the country's forces, can and must lead to the containment of the crisis and the successful exploiting the strategy and geographical position of Greece, in the new, European and global environment.
It is worth noting, what the Rector of UNIPI, Professor, Mr. Angelos Kotios, underlined, presenting the conclusions of the Conference: "All the positions of the participants demonstrated the in-depth knowledge and absolute understanding of the possibilities and opportunities, which is called to capitalize on by the country, so that it can proceed successfully, with cooperation and a spirit of solidarity, on the road to dealing with the consequences of the pandemic, stopping the losses of the crisis, rebuilding the national economy, focusing at the same time on the green transition, on targeted climate action, on protection of the environment and the creation of new jobs". At the same time, Rector Angelos Kotios expressed his thanks to the executives of the country's cooperating development agencies, who attended the UNIPI online Conference and contributed to the success of the project.
The address of Professor Angelos Kotios Rector of the University of Piraeus and Head of the European Information Center of Piraeus and the Attica Islands was followed by five sections.
In the five sections of the Conference, comprehensive presentations were made by Ioannis Plakiotakis, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy,, Patoulis Georgios, Regional Governor of Attica, Moralis Ioannis, Mayor of Piraeus, Antonakou Stavroula, Vice-Regional Governor of Piraeus, Theodorakopoulou-Bogri Vasiliki, Vice-Regional Governor of Islands and Konstantinos Tsoutsoplidis Head of the Office of the European Parliament in Greece.
In the section "Programming and financial instruments for the period 2021-2027" Zervos Georgios Special Secretary for Sectoral Management of the ERDF and TA, Baginetas Konstantinos - General Secretary of Agricultural Policy and Community Resources Management, Kyriazopoulos Evangelos Secretary General of Ports, Port Policy and Maritime Investments, Kavalakis Orestis General Secretary of Private Investments and PPPs, Niki Dandolou Special Secretary for ECB Program Management and Haris Lambropoulos President of the Hellenic Development Investment Bank SA.
In the section "Operational Programs: Priorities and funding" Firbas Ioannis Director General of the National Coordination Authority of the NSRF, Logothetis Georgios Head of the Special Implementation Coordination Service (EFSE), Fetsi Angeliki Head of EYD EPANEK and Drosis Dimitrios Head of the Special Management Service of the Attica Region.
In the section "The Green Agreement of the European Union" Professor Maniatis Ioannis of UNIPI, Director of MSc "Climate Crisis and Information and Communication Technologies" former Minister, Professor Dimitrios Economou of the University of Thessaly, former Deputy Minister and Nikolaos Mamalougas Deputy Director of the Environment Department EYD OP YMEPERAA.
In the addresses of the productive entities of Piraeus by the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the financial Supervisor Manesiotis Nikolaos. A greeting from the President of the Professional Chamber of Piraeus Voutsinas Ioannis was read. From the Chamber of Commerce of Piraeus, Perifanou Klairis, member of the D.E. and Business Advisory Support Manager V.E.P., from the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping the First Vice-President Alexandratos Georgios, from the Attica and Piraeus Industry Association its President Mathios Dimitrios and from the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce its president Kapralos Theodoros.
The coordinator of the conference is Choupis M. Athanasios Journalist ERT (Hellenic Radio - Television) "The Voice of Greece".