On October 18, 2022, the Rector of the University of Piraeus, Professor Angelos Kotios and the President of the Board of Directors of CSR HELLAS and Vice-President of CSR Europe, Maria Alexiou signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.
Alexandros Kostopoulos, Assistant General Manager of CSR HELLAS, the Dean of the School of Economics, Business and International Studies, Professor Michalis Sfakianakis and Professor of the Department of Economic Studies Konstantina Kottaridis were also present.
CSR Europe, the European Business Network for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, is an international non-profit organization and CSR HELLAS one of the National Partners of the leading European business network for Corporate Social Responsibility. With corporate members, National Partner Organisations (NPOs), and Associated Partners, CSR Europe, unites, inspires, and supports over 10,000 enterprises at local, European, and global level, across all industry sectors, in their transformation and collaboration towards practical solutions and sustainable growth.
CSR Europe and CSR HELLAS aim at systemic change. Following the Sustainable Development Goals, the goal is to co-build with the European leaders and stakeholders an overarching strategy for a Sustainable Europe 2030. CSR Europe's network of 37 national partner organisations reaches out to more than 10,000 companies in Europe. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
The purpose of the Memorandum is the cooperation of the two entities with the common aim of exploiting their potential. In particular, the joint development of educational programs aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students and business executives, the cooperation for the joint development of research projects and studies, planning, development, implementation and exploitation of tools and systems that can contribute to the strengthening of the adoption of Responsible Entrepreneurship by companies of any size or business sector. The utilization of relevant programs to strengthen the internship opportunities of UNIPI students and the planning and development of proposals for submission to co-financing notices from national, European or international bodies.
In the Memorandum framework, the two organizations will proceed to jointly undertake initiatives and organize events such as round-table discussions, conferences, workshops, with topics related to Responsible Entrepreneurship in Greece with the aim of strengthening the level of maturity of business executives, students, academic staff and in general every interested party.
In the photo: Dimitris Georgakelos, Yiannis Pollalis, Michalis Sfakianakis, Maria Alexiou, Konstantina KottaridIs, Alexandros Kostopoulos, Dimitris Kampis, Angelos Kotios.