The opening and the proceedings of the Scientific Conference on "20 years of Francophonie in Greece: stakes, invitations, perspectives", which was organized by the Department of International and European Studies of the School of Economics, Business and International Studies of the University of Piraeus, took place in the Conference Hall (Orange Amphitheater) of the University of Piraeus in the presence of diplomats, executives of the French Institute of Greece, academics, French language teachers and students.
The Conference started with the speeches by the Vice-rector of the University of Piraeus, Professor Spyridon Roukanas, her Excellency the Ambassador of France in Greece Laurence Auer, the Chair of the School of Economics, Business and International Studies of the University of Piraeus, Professor Nikolaos Georgopoulos, the Vice-Chair of the Department of International and European Studies, Professor Foteini Asderaki, the Director of the Examinations and Certifications Department of the French Institute of Greece and President of the Hellenic Association of Members of the Order of the Academic Phoenix Amopa-Hellas, Dr. Nikola Christodoulou and the Secretary General of the Association of French Language Teachers of University Education of Greece, Despina Mavromataki.
The opening speech was given by Xavier North, a senior official of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, former Director of the French Institute of the United Kingdom, former Commissioner General for the French Language and Languages of France from 2004 to 2014 and current Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alliance française of Paris. Xavier North praised the idea of the Department of International and European Studies to organize a Day on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the accession of Greece (2004) as an associate member of the International Organization of Francophonie (Organisation internationale de la Francophonie), as well as the different subjects in the program which was complete and covered all aspects of Francophonie in Greece.In his speech in French entitled "Where is Francophonie today?", Mr. Xavier North, who is also the main curator of the permanent exhibition at the Cité internationale de la langue française in Villers-Cotterêts, spoke about the French language, its richness and beauty, as well as the conception of the permanent exhibition which proposes words from all the languages of the world, while emphasizing that the relationship we have with a language creates strong bonds that really support the feeling of belonging to a community.
The Vice-Chancellor of the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and Director of the International Institute for Francophonie, Professor Manuel Jobert, presented the actions of the International Institute for Francophonie as well as his contribution to the preparation of the Dictionary of Francophones.
The representatives of the Francophone economy gave an important perspective to the Scientific Conference, emphasizing the economic and commercial relations between the French-speaking countries and Greece. Cyrille Bret, the director of Naval Group, French foreign trade advisor and Vice-President of the Hellenic-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, moderated the round table which included Mr. Laurent Thuillier (General Manager of Groupama Greece and former President of the Greek-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Mrs. Loïsa Ranunkel (President of the Foreign Trade Advisors of France in Greece), Mr. Christos Strapatsakis (CEO of Dioptra ltd), Ms. Maria-Christina Hatzinikolaou (Marketing Director of Air France Southeast Europe and Secretary General of the Greek-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and by Mr. François de Ricolfis (head of the Regional Economic Department of the Embassy of France in Greece).
The strengthening of economic relations between the two countries, cooperation and training initiatives and above all the promotion of the French language, which is an asset in these relations, were highlighted both during the presentation of the businessmen and consultants and in the discussion that followed.
The main sessions, held in French, were attended by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Francis Verros, Academics from many Greek Institutions (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University of Piraeus, Hellenic Open University, Ionian University, University of Peloponnese, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, National Center for Public Administration and Self-Government), the French Education Advisor of A' Athens, the Director of Examinations of the French Institute of Greece and the Deputy of the Αttache for University and Scientific Cooperation of the French Institute of Greece.
The Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie (Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie), Mr. Damien Cesselin, whose analysis of how parliamentarism and Francophone values reinforce each other, was the excellent closing of the Scientific Conference.
Within this context, the University of Piraeus celebrated this milestone in the history of Francophonie in Greece. This celebration was an opportunity to look back on the progress made in the last 20 years, while at the same time highlighting the challenges ahead for the continued promotion of Francophonie in Greece.
The Conference was supported with their patronage and/or sponsorship by the University of Piraeus and the Research Center of the University of Piraeus, the International and European Policy Laboratory of the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Piraeus, the International Organization of Francophonie (Organisation internationale de la Francophonie), the French Embassy in Greece – the French Institute of Greece, the international cultural organization “The French Renaissance” (La Renaissance Française), the Hellenic Association of Members of the Order of the Academic Phoenix Amopa-Hellas, the Association of Professors of French University Education in Greece (APF f.u.-Grèce), the French-speaking circle “Richelieu-Senghor de Paris” (Cercle Richelieu Senghor de Paris) and the French bookstore in Athens “Le livre ouvert”.