The unprecedented conditions that we have faced lately and the effects of the pandemic have clearly affected the international social and economic situation. In fact, the pandemic appeared at a time when the planet had just returned to the path of recovery from the most important economic crisis in recent years. A crisis, which for our country proved to be particularly persistent and difficult to deal with. Greek entrepreneurship has supported and continues to provide critical support to our national economy, aiming at the same time to re-assure its sustainability, primarily to contain its economic activity and jobs and secondarily to return as soon as possible to a path of growth and investment attraction.
Ensuring socio-economic stability by addressing the effects of the pandemic and climate change is the most important European objective of Ms Ursula von der Leyen's Presidency. In fact, both the pandemic and climate change significantly magnify the weaknesses of local societies, whether they concern infrastructure deficiencies (environmental management or social welfare), or weaknesses of their economic and production system, making long-term planning a one-way street on the way to the much-desired recovery. In this context, the directions of the Cohesion Policy for the new programming period 2021-2027, the EU's basic investment policy and one of the most tangible expressions of European solidarity, were recently finalized. Also, in conjunction with the objectives and directions of the Green Deal (the European sustainability map of the EU economy), they will fuel the finalization and approval of the regional and sectoral Operational Programs of the member states. The ultimate goal is to secure the necessary resources to fuel the effort to protect and strengthen entrepreneurship and employment, emphasizing environmental and economic sustainability.
Taking into account the above, the University of Piraeus and the Center for European Information of Piraeus and the Attica Islands (University of Piraeus) Europedirect, in collaboration with the chambers of Piraeus, are organizing the conference "Panoramic of Cohesion: Funding of entrepreneurship during the Pandemic and the Green Deal" , under the auspices of the Attica Region and the support of the Attica Regional Development Fund.
The conference will be held online on Friday, February 26th, 2021, from 10:00-14:00, with the participation of distinguished representatives of European institutions and policies, science, business, politics and public administration. Among the topics to be discussed, the directions of the new Cohesion Policy and the European Green Deal will be presented, as well as the financial possibilities of the financial sources of the new programming period 2021-2027 and which are expected to be activated in the next period for the support and development of healthy entrepreneurship and sustainable employment.