Teaching staff, researchers, postgraduate students and students can now utilize the Yewno Discover platform available from the UniPi library. Yewno Discover is a search service in international scientific databases, which creatively utilizes research interests.
This technology is specially designed to overcome the Information Overload phenomenon so that we can research and understand the world in a more natural way. It is inspired by the way, people process information from multiple sensory channels and utilizes state-of-the-art Computational Linguistics, Network Theory, Machine Learning, as well as methods from classical Artificial Intelligence.
Yewno Discover helps researchers, students and educators further explore knowledge in interdisciplinary fields, creating new ideas and finding unexpected connections along the way.
This platform utilizes hundreds of millions of semantic links and conceptual links from millions of scholarly articles, books and databases across all academic disciplines.
This enables students and researchers to intuitively navigate concepts, relationships and disciplines, learning from resources that would otherwise have been overlooked. This not only improves comprehension and creates more efficient work, but also saves time while ensuring complete and reliable coverage.
You can get in touch with the way Yewno Discover works, by spending some time attending the courses / presentations you will find at https://www.lib.unipi.gr/node/500 on the Library website, and then enliven your interests using the service yourself.