
The study carried out by the Athens Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the University of Piraeus, "The effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the business continuity and resilience of Small and Medium Enterprises: the critical role of technology" was presented at the of Peace and Friendship Stadium in Neo Faliro.

In the research carried out by the Professional Chamber of Athens, in collaboration with the University of Piraeus, Professor Gr. Chondrokoukis, Vice Rector for Research and Lifelong Education as scientific overseer, it is confirmed that one of the dimensions of the digital readiness of businesses is related to the digital knowledge and skills that their staff have and the extent to which they use them in their work.
The research was presented by assistant professor Mr. Thomas Dasaklis.
It is undeniable that business viability and development strategies require the utilization of modern IT tools and the data related to the evolution of the turnover derived from sales of goods/services through the internet with the majority of businesses are of interest (54, 05%) showing an increase in relative turnover during the pandemic while a small percentage (13.52%) showed a decrease.
More than three out of four companies in the sample (77.9%) believe that the use of new technologies has made a significant contribution to business resilience, and more than half (58.4%) believe this very much or absolutely.
Finally, the research examined the characteristics of the companies that showed excellent performance during the pandemic, which represent 9.4% of the sample and 92.8% are active in the service sector.
In the address by the Rector of the University of Piraeus, Angelos Kotios, he noted that the data show that small and medium enterprises in Greece showed flexibility and adaptability to new business models with the use of technologies and innovation much better than the average. These are the positive effects of the crisis that will promote growth in the future as well.
The President of Athens Chamber of Tradesmen, Yiannis Chatzitheodosiou, stated in this regard:
We consider the cooperation of the Chambers with the Universities of the country to be of key importance, which can only bring benefits to the country's effort to enter a development trajectory.
The period of the pandemic "hurt" unimaginably the majority of businesses - mainly small and medium-sized ones - and marked the beginning of a new era due to their digital transformation, which also emerges from the results of the Study.
Professor Grigoris Chondrokoukis, Vice Rector for Research and Lifelong Education stated:
In a competitive environment, in a difficult time, the University of Piraeus is implementing a plan to consolidate itself in the research sector through a network of initiatives that include the promotion of the development of new international agreements, the development of partnerships to create "mixed" research structures and infrastructure with the participation of University researchers and the dissemination of research and knowledge in society, among others.
The Minister of Finance Christos Staikouras emphasized that after two years of demanding "struggle" with the pandemic and its complex, multifactorial effects on society and the economy, the losses of 2020 were largely covered, simultaneously creating the conditions for the country us to enter a path of strong and sustainable development. He also noted that businesses took action during the crisis, as the pandemic accelerated the adoption of new technological tools. At the same time, the utilization of the resources of the Recovery Fund and the actions of the new NSRF 2021-2027 are a great opportunity for the substantial technological transformation of the country and will be directed to the financing of eligible business plans, including proposals for digital upgrading of businesses.
The Governor of AADE, Mr. Giorgos Pitsilis, in his greeting at the event, referred to the Authority's methodical action so that all its services are implemented digitally at all stages and with the same practices per regional unit with the aim of covering any discrepancies. The tripartite digitization - simplification - standardization is at the basis of the reform of AADE so that you can serve the citizen directly from his computer screen.
In his address, the President of GSEVEE and President of POESE, Mr. Giorgos Kavvathas, noted the two important results of the research. The detailed picture that provides data on the adoption and use of digital tools and the fact that it is a presumption of identification and state planning for the development of SMEs and PMEs. The crisis accelerated the fundamental challenges and at the same time demonstrated the speed with which businesses respond. But it proved that it is not a common property as the problem of the lack of resources for the digital transformation is prominent.
The SMEs and SMEs of our country are the most valuable tool for economic growth and therefore should be supported in their next step.
The President of the Association of Attica-Piraeus Industries, Dimitris Mathios, observed that although the industry and manufacturing sector has been affected in recent years during the "informal war", which is the pandemic, it showed resilience and increased its economic base.However, the permanent problem, which is the absence of a state organization, was not solved. The 4th Industrial Revolution came faster than we expected due to the health crisis and the only way to adapt is to continuously educate people.
The event was also attended by the president of SEF, Christina Tsiligiri.




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